The SOFTEN (Social Forum to Enable Needy) group in Infosys connected to 'Operation Shanti' volunteer Tracy in distributing old clothes and serving food to the destitute woman and children, today morning near KR Hospital in Mysore.
Today's programme started from Infosys Campus, Mysore where we loaded boxes of clothes, blankets and shoes to the van and we, a group of nearly 40 SOFTEN volunteers starting off before 8 in the morning towards KR Hospital in Mysore city. Tracy and her friend (both of them foreign volunteers of 'Operation Shanti' working in Mysore) got along with us in their car with containers of food. We were pleased to see Tracy interact with the street women and children who had assembled on the foot paths in front of KR Hospital. We then served Idli, Sambar, Chatni, Kesari bath to all of them sitting on the footpath. The food was served by infoscions and it was a totally different experience far too away from the daily jobs. After the food, we started distributing the set of blanket and old clothes we had brought in the van. We then moved to 'Nava Jeevan Foundation' Centre and gave them the boxes containing remaining clothes.
It was a half day engagement for all of us. But it helped us to be aware of being useful to the society we live in. Let this message spread wider through similar initiative in future.
to know more on Operation Shanti: http://www.operation-shanti.org/pages/msp_solution.html
Gr8 work mate...next time count me also :)
Awesome Work! Keep it up! Count me in too the next time.
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