Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Planning for a Social Cause - 'Soften' Meeting

Few of us, the members of SOFTEN (Social Forum to Enable the Needy) held a meeting today to discuss the planning of imparting vacation classes for class X students to equip them better for their career ahead.
The action plans included identifying the governments schools in Mysore, selecting few interested students, bringing out a short course aimed at improving their English and analytical abilities and delivering the course effectively during their vacation time.
SOFTEN aims at helping the children with poor financial background to come up with good education and career and if steps like this if implemented well would gain good appreciation.


kallu said...

Manjunath, if something concrete arises out of this; I would be very interested. The technicalities and the results.
I live in ooty and teach underprivileged children, as an individual .

Manjunath said...

The soften team here in Infosys at present is looking to give vacation training to few aspirants in classX. If genuine information regarding help required in education or health, Soften would consider extending a helping hand..

iTrash said...

Hey Manju... keep up the good work man..
thats really inspiring to know this....