It was a like a dream come true ! I couldn't believe for myself how grand the Onam celebrations at Infosys Mysore turned out to be after a month's planning & hard work arranging for it.
The whole idea of having a grand onam celebrations in Infosys Mysore started when Jiben mentioned to me about on Aug15 while having lunch after a visit to zoo with orphanage kids. We then put forward the idea to few malayalees in Infosys and started calling meetings on evening to plan for the events. The preparations rolled out smoothly with auditions for singers, narrators, dancers etc We also planned for fun events and ona sadya spread over three days of Sep16,17,18. Throughout the planning and execution of events, we were a team of 6 core organizers - Myself, Jiben (extreme left in above photo), Sreeja P (just right to me in photo above), Sreejith Madhavan, Preetham MD & Shino Jacob (last three on right of above photo).
The whole programme came out too good - the fun games of lemon spoon race, sack race & uri adi on Sep16 evening, Tug-of-war & Kerala special dishes on Sep17 evening, Ethnic wear day, Ona Sadya, Pookalam competitions, Chenda melam, Stage programmes of Mohiniyattam, Thiruvathira kali, Kalari payattu, fusion dance, songs, vanchi paattu, and the lucky draw prize nd onam trophy winner announcements..
It adds to my pride to be able to do so much from my part starting with planning of events, calling for auditions, bringing ona sadya cook & chenda melam troop, helping selection of fashion show costumes, buying items from city and coordinating with anchors for smooth flow of events. We, as organizers received appraisal mails from DC Head Shaji and HR Manager Bradley.. and all of us were really happy about it..
Ponnonam '08 was the best ever Onam celebrated in Infosys Mysore and it'll remain in my heart for ever:)