I was as always admired to the great man who built Infosys - Narayana Murthy, who came here to Mysore Campus today evening.
He started his talk with globalization which he defined as getting the best resources of talent, labour, knowledge and materials from where it is best available, processed at the best place and sold where the best market is available without barriers of national boundaries. He then spoke about embracing commonality of universal values among all the cultures of the world refering to the panama and chinese batches in mysore campus. He conveyed the message of spending some time understanding 'what makes people driving at various functional departmants and levels of an organisation' and to develop bond with people you interact with, like he said, visiting his driver's home once in a while, to understand what makes people's life.
Question Answer session followed and the first question asked was 'What does Success mean to you ?' He answered it as 'Keeping people around you with joy, giving what is expected from you, being a valuable member of the team'. Other discussion topics were about Infosys's next target, reason for heavy recruiting, expansion of Infy outside IT, employees shifting IT companies, infosys dc not being at mumbai, suggestion for better interaction with foreign trainees by having in the same batch as trainees, and so on.. all of which NRN answered perfectly to the point. One of the girl trainee requested NRN to have a hand shake and he gave it with blessings. He's so good at giving replies, when a trainee feared of asking a silly question, he said "only answers are silly. No questions are silly !"
It's like dream for me to listen to the chairman of Infosys who built it from the start, took it to 1billion revenue in 23 years, next 1billion in 23 months and the next 1billion expected in only 12 months, the fastest growing IT company in the world!