My onsite trip from Infosys came to me after relatively long period of more than 5years in offshore. But finally the day has come - 21 May 2011. I always believed 21 was a special lucky number for me, and was excited that my first trip abroad came on this date.
The flight schedule was from Bangalore Saturday morning 10:25am by Emirates airlines to Dubai by 12:55pm and from there at local time 4:05pm finally reaching Zurich by 8:45pm. We (me, Winnie, Babumaman) left Mysore on Fri evening 5pm by car arranged by Infy to Bangalore, to Abhilashettan's home at Hal JagdeeshNagar. Next day morning, taxi came to pick and was in Airport well in time. We had weighed our bags (total 4 checkin bags and two cabin bags) and was slightly over weight. Abhilashettan and Babumaman waited outside the airport till we cleared security gate. We were greeted by picture perfect faces of Emirates airhostess on entrance, and often by drinks & food that they brought.
The journey time to Dubai was 4hours, but what surprise me was that local time difference between dep & arrival time was only 2.5 hours - I got to understand the time zone difference real time!